Bonnieycliide (Movie Review)


Bonnieycliide tells the tale of a girl who falls for a criminal and their subsequent robbery spree that eventually ends with them being caught and caught by police; Clyde dies during gunfire with police while Bonnie is arrested and sent away to prison; eventually returning home and turning in any gang members that may have been hiding out with her.

This musical dramatizes the true-life tale of outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, who achieved folk hero status due to an unsuccessful grocery store robbery that proved fatal for all involved. Authorities throughout Southern states began searching for these outlaws (“Made In America”). In its opening sequence, Bonnie and Clyde rob a local hardware store before leaving; when their car arrives back later at their property owner’s place he decides to check on it but Bonnie shoots both him as well as another passerby when opening their car door attempting to gain entry he becomes trapped.

As Bonnie becomes more drawn into crime and less drawn to its lifestyle, her interest in Clyde begins to grow stronger as his presence within their escape car (“Bonnie and Clyde”). As they continue their crimes together, Bonnie becomes increasingly fascinated with both crime and its lifestyle; moreover, physical attraction between herself and Clyde grows between them as Bonnie grows increasingly uncomfortable (“Bonnie and Clyde”).

Bonnie grows even angrier when the gang breaks into an armory and steals weapons, prompting police to shoot both of them. Once all their bullets have run out, Bonnie returns home where her family (“A Visit to Buck”) awaits. Though Bonnie offers to turn herself in and end her criminal life (“Turn Off My Radio”,) Bonnie cannot leave Clyde as they know they will die together (“I’ll Never Be Free”,) making this show-stopping song an iconic finale from Wildhorn’s Jekyll and Hyde; audiences familiar with Wildhorn’s Jekyll and Hyde may recognise this number from Wildhorn’s Jekyll and Hyde will recognize this powerful eleven o’clock number as it marks the climax of Wildhorn’s Jekyll and Hyde are likely to recognize its performance climax.