Monstrumologist Cam by Rick Yancey

Will Henry is 12-years old when both of his parents die in a fire in 1888 New England and is left under the care of Pellinore Warthrop, an unusual doctor specializing in Monstrumology (the study of monsters). When an unknown nursing home calls to report that a recently deceased man has left behind four folio journals from his life which may or may not contain critical details that lead him on a series of strange and bizarre adventures through terrifying sanatoriums, graveyards and dank tunnels – all while remaining true to himself as his character as his characters aforementioned!

Folios depict a mysterious creature known as an anthropophagus that attacks its prey by eating their heads. After one is discovered inside the body of a young woman, Dr. Warthrop warns Will that they have discovered its source.

Rick Yancey excels at recreating the gothic style of Victorian fiction, creating books which capture its gothic elegance perfectly. These novels capture time, setting and tone perfectly to help readers become fully immersed in his story – unlike many modern horror novels written for younger audiences, which lack depth of gothic flourishes that add real drama.