Anonymous Maine Nudes

Anonymous Maine Nudes


While society may be consumed by screens, some prefer spending their free time outdoors – especially without clothing on. From sunbathing on beaches to taking leisurely swims or simply peeing out in nature – Maine provides ample opportunities for nudism!

On Tuesday, an anonymous Facebook page began posting photos of girls from all across the state; this content was quickly taken down following complaints from law enforcement officials; but Wednesday saw its return with new names and pictures featuring young girls with names attached along with profane messages – with their creator indicating he plans on posting more images in future updates.

Cassie Crain is an 18-year-old senior at Bowdoin who claims she discovered her picture online Wednesday and since that day has been subject to harassment online and calls to police in Westbrook for protection, only to be told there’s little they can do due to being anonymous.

However, she is not alone in her concerns: several other students told WGME they saw their images posted online and are also worried about privacy risks. A former Bowdoin student also found it shocking to discover some swimmers from her pool had gone naked in public and is concerned for what may happen next to their peers.