Bethanie Derek Needs Your Help

Bethanie_Derek is an established model who was discovered while competing on Top Model South Africa. She loves fashion and aspires to make a name for herself in the fashion world in future, although spending free time outdoors and horseback riding also holds great appeal for Bethany – her biggest inspirations being Karlie Kloss and Kate Moss as she has worked on various campaigns with Kontatto as part of this endeavor.

She is an extremely loyal friend and has managed to maintain a healthy work/life balance. She plans on continuing as a model as it allows her to travel the world and meet people from various cultures, while she has a deep-seated love of animals and would one day like to become a wolf biologist herself.

Beth needs to go 72 hours without experiencing seizures before her doctors can wean her off the sedation medication. Please help Beth by sharing her story – together, we can make a difference and thank you all for being part of our community. Thank you all again for all of your continued support!