Valeria strives for deep connections in everything she does – she values relationships with friends as much as with colleagues or her spouse, for instance.
But that doesn’t mean she is always good; in fact, she often acts in harmful ways.
Valeria enters her small tobacco shop, where she works, to buy cigarettes for her husband, when she’s drawn by an attractive display of black notebooks with shiny covers. Even though Valeria knows she shouldn’t, she finds herself drawn towards one in particular and took one off the shelf without asking permission before hiding it under her coat when told by the owner that it must go back on display.
Valeria finds inspiration from Valeria’s notebook to write a novel, but is uncertain she has the skills required. Additionally, there is much going on in her life, including an interview for full time work that would eliminate most of the weekend and holiday work with her husband.
Lola meets Victor (Maxi Iglesias) at Lola’s party and instant attraction ensues; she must choose between remaining loyal to her husband or finding true happiness elsewhere.
Valeria unfortunately suffers from an inadequate plot and there aren’t enough flashes of brilliance to elevate it beyond mediocrity; indeed, Sex and the City has often overshadowed Valeria and prevented it from reaching its true potential.