A Spanishcouple Moves Into a New Home

Spanish culture still contains some sexist undertones and this machismo impacts gender roles in various ways. Men are expected to have an insatiable sexual appetite, leading to extramarital affairs being an everyday occurrence; on the other hand, women are perceived to be more virtue-based and supportive of their husbands; often going out with friends while remaining at home while their wives take care of house chores.

Luban and Medlen spent their initial months living with a family they called their “compaero”, an old-fashioned way of saying roommate. Later they purchased a house near Campo de Criptana which once belonged to another couple they first met when they were children; it had lain vacant for some time prior to purchase, requiring substantial repair before becoming their home again.

After they settled into their new home, they started spending more time together and could focus on learning Spanish. They attended four times weekly Spanish classes where they met other expats going through similar experiences.

After some time, they became known to the local community and even had visitors drop by their house. During the coronavirus pandemic that killed thousands of elderly in nursing homes nationwide, they joined a small group of residents who welcomed workers into their home to assist in caring for their ailing mother and grandmother.