BoJack Horseman stands out as an exception in an age of streaming original content, where new series are released weekly and consumers have an abundance of choices available to them. A show that deserves careful viewing; its portrayal of celebrity culture and addiction – with no sentimentality to speak of – demands it be watched carefully.
Although this series lacks heart, it still delivers on entertainment value. Packed with humor, slapstick, and quick wit; yet each episode packs an emotional wallop that lasts long after viewing is over.
As such, it has quickly become a phenomenon amongst critics and viewers alike, becoming one of Netflix’s flagship series and making headlines all across the media landscape. Hailed for its satire, writing style and character development; many viewers find the show relatable enough that they think about themselves and those they care about when viewing it.
Swear words such as whore, fuck, nigga and bugger were searched for in the BoJack Horseman corpus but none were evidenced as having been used to hurt or demean any specific group. This is notable given that swear words tend to be used to insult and offend individuals and groups. Perhaps this suggests that their writers did not intend to use these offensive terms intentionally but simply added depth and meaning to the narrative storyline; an important discovery which should be studied further moving forward.