Lets Talk About Your Big Tits

Boobs, tits or breasts – we call them by many different names! – are an integral part of who we are as women. Their shape changes at various points during life as we breastfeed, give birth or go through hormone fluctuations; therefore we should embrace these bodies that represent femininity as part of who we are as individuals and take pride in them!

But our society has an odd relationship with breasts; often sexualized and objectified. Women are judged harshly if their breasts are large; those who undergo cosmetic surgery to create pertness may receive praise; whilst being judged harshly when their “saggyness” draws tabloid media coverage.

Lets Talk About Your Big Tits is a feminist film project to openly address this problem of breasts being judged and judged, which should no longer exist. Eleven women were invited to share their experiences of breasts from initial memories to body shame, discomfort and even motherhood – this frank film shows there is no ideal pair – only ones which fit you and your body best – we must liberate boobs rather than judge them and join the #BoobLove movement!