Lyaksi was an ancient kingdom located on the Teke peninsula of southwestern Turkey. Originally part of Persia’s Satrapies, later part of Athens’s Empire and again independent thereafter (though its treaty with Athens omitted any non-secession clause), fighting on Achaemenid side in Persian Wars before rebelling and falling under Mausolus of Caria’s dominion; later its language gradually diminished with Lycian disappearing from coin inscriptions.
Now renowned as one of Turkey’s main domestic and foreign tourism centres, Lycia is often referred to as Turkey’s Riviera or Turquoise Coast. A long-distance footpath known as Lycian Way follows along part of its coastal landscape and supports sustainable tourism development in small mountain villages that were declining quickly prior to being linked by it.
Coin legends make it difficult to establish exactly who succeeded Kuprlli as monarch; his successor Kheriga, son of Arppakhu (listed regnant on other inscriptions), must have predeceased Kuprlli before being replaced by Kheriga as Kheriga succeeded Arppakhu as regnant after Kuprlli died young.
The tomb of Payava, dating to approximately 370-360 BC and currently housed in the British Museum. It features an elegant marble equestrian sarcophagus depicting images such as Zeus-Ammon and Triskeles’ heads as well as images of horses, birds and stylized sun god.